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Thursday, March 31, 2011

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Ahh.. April Fools day again, and my husband always seems to get me.. I mean it's not to hard to do! I will be on my toes and wondering what he will come up with this year. I used to pull the "I'm pregnant!," but after 5 times of being the real thing, it's doesn't really get much of a response anymore. Now, I don't even go there! Even though, when we got married, six was the number we came up with.. I was always a fan of the Brady Bunch, I know, I know, it was 3 from him and 3 from her, but all in all it was 6 and they were the best  TV family, besides the Cosby's of course! I probably could still watch the re runs of both those shows, LOVE THEM!   How did this post go from April fools to  TV families, I am rambling, and I will stop NOW! Now onto CUPCAKES!

Here is my April Fools day joke to my kids.. Enjoy!!!! and have a fun day!

Peas and Carrot Cupcakes and Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Cupcakes & Spaghetti & Meatball Cupcakes!

Bliss n Tell

Make cupcakes according to your box mix, from scratch or whatever.. just get some cupcakes ready :)

Get your assembly line ready:

In an apron with no shirt, a pink apron! being scary! 

the butter, peas, carrots and meatballs!

the spaghetti ( before the sauce and meatball)

I used: for the peas and carrots: white icing colored green, orange starburst cut into 4ths, green sixlets ( if you can't find them use green runts) and for the mashed potatoes: white icing, yellow starburst cut in half, or yellow laffy taffy ( for the butter) and caramel syrup or maple syrup for the gravy

Spaghetti and meatballs ( my favorite)
Butter cream icing (with a thin tip to pipe the icing) or a bag with a 1/8 of an inch snipped off
ferro rocher chocolates ( my favorite)
raspberry jam ... roll the chocolate in the jam

 For the mashed potatoes: white icing, put a little extra in the middle to make a well and pour the syrup and then the pad of "butter" aka.. starburst or whatever you are using.

love it!!! so cute!

adorable right? April Fools!


ThaiHoa Burroughs said...

They looked awesome! What a creative idea!

Unknown said...

Oh that is too cute I love them all. You are so creative!

Anonymous said...

These are just simply amazing! I bet your kids adore that you make these. (Oh, and I vote for the Cosby family as the best!) :) ~ Courtney

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